Here are the articles written for Forbes during May:

5 proven habits of high performers that will transform your business
There’s a difference between wanting to be a high-performance person and acting like one. The secret lies in your habits. What you do every day, without fail, marks the difference between smashing through goals and ceilings and feeling like you’re somehow missing the mark.

5 steps to getting the recognition your work deserves
Ever seen someone less proficient than you become more famous for their work? It’s a frustrating problem to have. You’re putting in the effort and delivering the goods but just not as well-known as your peers. Why are you missing out on the opportunities they are securing? What’s going on?

10 mistakes leaders make when sharing their story
The modern leader doesn’t just lead a company. The modern leader is a figurehead, a public persona, a personality. They have a story to tell and a message to share, both within their company and their industry. This story generates trust, buy-in and affinity and can be the difference between roaring success and abject failure.

4 steps to creating an online business from your number one passion
You win at life when you get paid to do something you would do for free. That’s how it can feel when you turn your number one passion into your career. Imagine those things you love to do, those topics you love to talk about, those things you love to learn, all being part of how you serve clients and generate wealth.

The nine-figure company that exclusively hires underdogs
A high-performing and motivated team is essential for any business looking to achieve a lot in a short space of time. Business leaders spend much of their work week making this a reality, and some crack the puzzle.